Wednesday 31 August 2011

A Hand in Poetry

The quiet

the quiet I used to have on the the inside of me is just completely gone
I no longer walk around with a a smile on my lips and a boundless song
Is this the effect of what life's hardships does to a person
All we are faced with in the end is a life filled with sadness and desertion

All this misery and gloom is not the pinnacle of our lives
We should want more from ourselves than just a means to survive
We are dynamic and we are bold beyond anyone's measure
When you were born you were your parents little treasure

Its time to take back the peace that was in your heart before you grew up
This is the times that any man can create his very own luck
Toiling and sweating to please another instead of yourself is a fools errand
I will make sure that my life's successes will be inherent

How sweet it will be to slow down and enjoy a life filled with success and peace
To love life and live a life that is what I require at the least
The humdrum approach of working till I am put out to pasture
That's not for me I wanna fill the rest of my days with joyous laughter

Sitting with what little hair I might have left just waiving in the wind
I wanna sit silent and smiling because I lived my life like a king
The quiet I want in me is one that represents a state of contentment
The last thing anyone would want is a life full of resentment

All I want is my quiet and to take my sweet time
For now what I will take is my peace of mind

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