Tuesday 23 August 2011

Hi all

In the customer care industry which I am a passionate advocate for I wish we the people had a stronger say in how we get treated in SA

Over a career spanning a meager 6 Years I have experienced the rare occasion of actually being blown out of the water by someone claiming to be a "customer service agent". Has it merely just become a a job specification or has the passion completely died down and we have become nothing but phone answering zombies just doing the bare minimum to get by?

I  say to hell with what others do and if you really believe in what you said in your interview (let's face it we all say we are passionate about helping people). Was that just a ploy to get some employment or did you really believe that in your heart?

I for one know that when I said those words I meant every single bit of it and as long as I can I will be an advocate for good service and have each client saying "wow, that was good service"

My motto is "I aim to please and my aim is to please" so lets get cracking and make a customer feel like a king once again.

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