Tuesday 23 August 2011

Unanswered Questions . . .

Conversation is a simple exchange of information that has put us apart from all other species that have been put on this green earth. However I see that some of us still lack the neccessary skills it takes to progress in such a simple exchange.

Take for instance a situation I was faced with yesterday with our rail service METRORAIL. I normally take a train that is scheduled for departure at a set time each morning. For some or other reason this particular reason this train was cancelled (maybe the wheels were flattened). The train preceeding this particular one came steadily  towards my stop and I boarded it, also just letting my boss know of the situation at hand and that I will be late as a direct result of this. I was then instructed just to get a piece of paper to just confirm this situation that I have been put in as a result of my train being cancelled. Before sed situation I was not even aware that you could get a  piece of paper regarding this.

So when I finally reached my destination I moved along to their information center where I was greeted to casual conversation and 3 information agents just ignoring me like they were paid to chit chat and not help customers. I kindly asked for their assistance where I was asked if i knew which train was cancelled and I told them to which I was asked do they have to smell the train number? At this point I had to calm myself down and not let that counter turn into a scene out of the WWE where smack down's were being handed out like free lunches.

10 minutes later I came victorious from that counter with a generic page that any pre-schooler could be proud of and I was off to my job. I now know just how mr Mandela felt when he mentioned that we must be free'd from our opresser's as I was liberated from MetroRails customer centre.

I have to say I felt like a champion for actually getting what I was looking for from Metrorail as there are a lot of people out there that will never be able to say the same.

Here is to brilliant service and a battle well fought

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