Thursday 22 September 2011

Simply missing

I hate it when I am proven wrong by someone or something that wasn't even trying to prove me wrong in the first place. We as individuals all have our own way of thinking and the way we do things is unique to each and everyone of us.

So who is to say what is wrong or right these days its just a personal perception at the end of the day that changes from person to person. I have proven this over and over to the people that personally know me I have always asked them the question " What is normal?" much to the dismay of the receiver of this question I will always second guess their answer simply to make them feel unsure. I know that normality and perception is something that is singular to each individual the same way that a personality is as well. We try to be an original all of us but in doing so we just end up more and more carbon copies of our peers and also to some peoples dismay, their parents as well.

Getting to my point that I started out with initially I was once again proven wrong without having an argument and this time the argument was that I could survive on my own. I have always prided myself in being as independent as they come, not needing people and always creating shallow friendships with people so that I could walk away at the drop of a hat. One person came and changed my way of thinking and showed me that even if you are set in your ways, there will be one that will turn it all upside down.

She came as a surprise to me the day we first met, I was under the impression that she was just a pretty woman with only business on her mind. Her honesty showed me something I had missed in the world and that was the sincerity in which she spoke and handled other people. She had pride in what she did and how she carried herself in each situation, even when she was crapping me out. I fell hard for her feisty nature and although there were times when I felt like giving up and walking away she was the one who told me that walking away is not the right thing to do but rather to face challenges head on.

She drives me mad in all the bad ways and in all the good ways as well. She showed me that to miss someone is to give them all your time even if they aren't with you. I thought I did not have the capacity to yearn for someone when they are far away and not in your ever revolving day, but today I realize she is simply just missing.

Although she is far away from me now. She wont be for long, my heart is with her right where it belongs.

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