Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Riots = Results?

You know in a world obsessed with service delivery we have to fight for the things we want. I question how destroying property and affecting others lively hoods in the process is going to affect this change?

Demonstrating in the past used to be all about our freedom of speech and voicing our dissatisfaction with how we are being treated and what we are all about. Now all we are left with are major unions trying to force down their will on industries and using their own members as pawns in their grand scheme of collecting more power.Where are the Mandela's and the Bhiko's that are the crusaders for the people more than they are for the cause, instead we have "leaders" who care more about their wallets than the man on the ground battling to keep his family going.

The protesters have a right to voice their anger at being valued less than their counterparts in other parts of the world and in some cases also in other industries. So I salute the men and women who take a stand for their freedom in a way that many can only admire and carry disdain for those who believe results can be achieved with violence.

The leaders of today need to realize that it is not "power to the people" but that rather they have power because of the people.

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