Tuesday 27 September 2011

We all matter

 The word '"matter" is a very complex and yet easy to understand word. Wikipedia describes: "there is no single agreed scientific meaning of the word "matter". It hits the nail right on the head if you ask me because we tend to think that different things matter to different people and they are absolutely right in that regard

For my own purposes I think that one's words are an expression of one's true self yet others have a firm belief that talk is cheap. I say that it has importance depending on the person it is coming from and the person receiving the message. This is a universal understanding of most things and speak volumes to each individuals needs and wants and dictates what really matters to them.

Who is to say that the middle aged man who thinks that his money should do all the talking is not accurate in his thinking because the object of his crisis is to be once again adored by the opposite sex. There is method to this madness because like we see on a daily basis that to people who do not have it money matters the most and that is the angle and allure which they tend to use as well.

Well now that we have a basis on where I am heading with what matters I can safely say that we all do matter and the things we think does not affect people negatively, it surely does. So I have realized every time I do something which I do not think is earth shattering but yet it disappoints someone so heavily that I can't bear to see the hurt in their eyes. Same goes for others who do something wrong in your eyes. When someone says or does something wrong, do not just think that they are being malicious and intentionally hurtful towards you. They might not know just how much what they are saying is impacting you negatively. Before you decide someone is your enemy, give them time to be your friend first. You might be surprised if you actually spoke to the person and explained how you felt, they could become aware and you could gain a friendship out of your willingness to share your feelings.

The most meaningful relationships we share as people come from the most unlikely of places. The things that matters to us most are the things we have shared with each other, whether its a memory, trinket or just an old bag  that has been with you everywhere we go. We should realize that people are just as precious and that every individual you come across matters, they might have had a good or bad impact but the impact they have made is one that will stay with you a lifetime.

Go out there and make yourself matter 

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