Monday 26 September 2011

Summer of life

Today is a beautiful day unlike any other we have been blessed with before. The reason why I am sounding so lyrical is that I have actually discovered the personal key to happiness. Embrace each day like you were never intended to receive it in the first place.

We are such social and outgoing creatures that we tend to live our lives by the minute and not by the moments that make it all worthwhile. We are so on edge as we are made to believe that we either don't have enough time to do the things we are meant to do and we think that tomorrow is a given. We are so mistaken to think we are guaranteed a tomorrow and that we will live a full and happy lifetime, as all things in life you have to work hard to be happy and you are not guaranteed a tomorrow. I have seen some lives being cut short before they have had the time to make amends with their pasts and with the struggles they have had in their lives.

I will approach each day like the gift it is and appreciate the love I receive from each and everyone that has impacted in my life, whether the impact is small or massive. To show love and to give love for each time we  are blessed by some kind word or even some harsh ones that just motivate you to move on or to choose a different path for our lives. I believe that whatever impact that I will have today is either one that will  improve someones life or change it irreparably.  So to take for granted the interactions you have with people is to approach relationships as a bumbling fool who just stumbles through life on nothing but good looks and a lot of good intentions. Lets take a step into being more thoughtful and have a clear definition into what you want people to think when you leave the room.

Someone that can inspire millions had to start with one and grow their skill and confidence gradually and the only reason they have that kind of reach is because they consciously choose what they want people to think. So I will maintain that my today is a gift and that I will share the gift I have with the world hoping it will help someone in some way in realizing that they too have a valuable contribution to make to someones life today.

Why do we always look down and complain that you don't get paid enough, your car isn't fast enough and your house isn't big enough. Rather say I am in the Summer of my life and I will enjoy each day as my last because tomorrow is not promised today

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