Monday, 6 August 2012



I am not normally one to tackle any type of political issue but I just think that the word “Revolution” is too easily used in order to make certain people’s issues seem closely connected to the people they so readily neglect.

The word revolution means: It is a fundamental change in power or organizational structures that takes place in a relatively short period of time. These words carry power and they also bear consequence to all of those affected by it and the promise it holds to the people that yearn for it on a daily basis. The sad truth is that certain people use the idea of revolution similarly to teasing a young child with a piece of candy just to get them to do what you want and then only for them to discover that the candy is the one flavour they hate.
If these individuals were sitting in the seats and the situations of the people who they make these bold claims and promises to you can bet they will be singing a different tune altogether. It is easy to make a promise when you have no intention of ever keeping it. A real leader and someone that wants change will never make a promise but will rather vow to make a change but ensuring that it is possible as they are aware that false hope can crush many a spirit of the hopeful.
I say why wait for a revolution when one is brewing in your heart and in your mind, change of epic proportions is always required for any improvement of one’s own situation. Strive to revolutionize your thoughts and actions and plan to get ahead. Even though people often say even the best laid plans are sometimes not good enough, point is if you know the path you are supposed to walk you will know when you start getting lost sooner.
The only revolution that should be promised is that of one’s self and of one’s own spirit because only the people can be responsible for their own liberation. Just imagine yourself a one-man liberation where he will try and storm the gates of a government building and bruise his ego more than he would an oppressive or inadequate regime. He would be called mad and a blithering fool for wanting to effect change on his own with no passionate believers in his cause but himself.
You carry the key to your own revolution and not the promises of others that want to throw the word around for some sort of meaningful effect to their empty promises. Let’s face it a ruling party cannot claim a revolution because they already have the power and fundamentally a revolution aims for a change in power and this cannot be achieved just by words.
Revolutionize you, revolutionize your world and realize that you are the revolution you have been looking for.

1 comment:

  1. If you revolutionize yourself do it a way that what you do would also change the rest of the world around you!
