Tuesday 4 February 2014

The Month of Madness

The Month of Madness

Here we find ourselves again in what I would call the month of madness where we have to dash to show the one in our lives that we cherish them above anyone else by buying them cheap confectionery and flowers and taking them somewhere special for that oh so fateful Valentine’s Day.

What ever happened to enduring romance and making every moment matter to the one that makes your heart melt each and every day? Would it not be better if we did these things on a daily basis where you show the special person in your life that they are part of every moment that matters?

Buy her flowers before someone else gets the chance to do it before you, hold the door for her when you walk in or out of any place you have been or will go. Remind her that she is beautiful when you wake up next to her in the morning, kiss her when she says she got hurt and make it feel better for her. Do not let your feelings for your partner become part of a novelty that comes around but once a year, they do deserve 365 days of affection and it is time to prove it to them.

When he shaves for you let him know you appreciate it and when he wears your favourite cologne hold him a bit longer and breathe it in deep because he did it for you. When he works all the time tell him you appreciate all he does for your family because he does it all for you. It’s time we should have a Valentine’s mind set when it comes to the one you love because they might not always be there.

If you have ever had a conversation with someone that has been widowed you can always sense there is pain and regret over not telling or showing their partner that one time how much they loved them no matter how many years they said it.

A bunch of flowers is seen as a luxury but it should be a necessity as nothing else comes close to the sweet aroma of those flowers that indicate they belong to a woman who is appreciated by her husband/lover/partner.  Support your man in whatever he wants to undertake that you know has been a dream of his for so long, all it will do is strengthen that bond he has made with you and he knows that not every woman will stand by him no matter the decision but his wife/lover/partner absolutely does.

I have found my muse and my inspiration and she encourages me each and every day to be more, want more and give more and all I can hope for is that you all find it and hold on to it during this month of madness called February.

Tuesday 7 January 2014



So life goes on and time does not stand still for any of us. This is the harsh truth which we are not groomed for throughout our entire childhood. We are made to believe we are special and that the world does in fact revolve around us.....

I am afraid this is so far removed from the truth that it is quite scary for those that have seen the demon of Pride and Vanity for what it really is.

A Facebook profile would most likely be the McDonald's of one's ego where it feeds you with likes and comments and ultimately shares that make you feel like you really are at the centre of so many unworthy mortals worlds. They adorn your duck lip poses and the tight clothes that make all the right curves stand out so every perverted person can stare and salivate after you like some kind of cheap Barbie doll for those who cannot afford one. This is what you crave, you seek and what you need to be the oh so popular face of what so many would want and need in their lives I guess.

Correction... You have no clue what real admiration is and what it affords you with the right kind of people.

True admiration is a sign of respect and it shows that what you do is deserving of another person's awe and it makes you feel good and not the instant gratification that a half-naked selfie gives you... no. It is when you feel a sense of achievement and can look at something you have done and marvel or just say proudly: "I am responsible for that" to anyone who really matters. So put on some real clothes and do something that matters to someone who matters out there. Take off the stupid hats with Trukfit on and fill your brain with knowledge that you could share with your own sons or daughters someday.

Do not just think I am talking to girls alone... oh hell no! You lazy ass guys that are so self-serving and egotistical need to get yourselves a job and stop thinking that hanging out in a gym gives you purpose because it doesn't. Take care of your kids and be the man that you would look up to if you were them, they deserve that at least. Even if you don't have a job do something constructive there are literally hundreds of volunteer things you could do or just be more involved with them and stop trying to make another one with a different woman.

This seems like a rant and rave but I try to share as much as I have learnt through writing so how about we put down the ridiculous hats and stop posing and start living in the real world just for today.

True Grit

True Grit

With ever changing times, trends and all other manner of newer fashions popping up all over the show it's no wonder we lose who we are after a while. We are so indoctrinated by media and outside influences into thinking that newer is always better and oh so good for us at all times.

Nothing could be further from the truth in fact, It is your past, heritage and roots that truly define who you really are and they cannot be new or improved can they? These are things that are anchored in our families and the societies in which we submerge ourselves in on a daily basis regardless of what or who we are dealing with. The things we are taught to hold onto and cling to will be the defining point in our lives and what people will associate you with for the rest of your life.

It is the traditions and the deeper meanings of religious, cultural or sectarian gatherings and assemblies that define where modern civilization has gotten it's guidelines and backbone from. It is the basis of laws and rules within any country city or geographical region no matter where you go, It all started with someone holding dear what was passed down to them as being the correct or incorrect way of doing things.

Why then do we disown our own cultures and forefathers as if to point out that what they believed in and fought for harder than we could imagine fighting for anything, was all for nothing and that these ideals were only for the fool hardy. Embrace your differences and celebrate the fact that you come from a tribe of people that braved a land without boundaries and territories that were so harsh no normal human being could survive unless you come from an extraordinary race of survivors.

Show true grit and stand up for a culture and a heritage almost lost in the pop culture that is the world outside and pay homage to those who walked barren lands that you could call this beautiful place your home. Know where you come from in order to understand where you need to be someday and above all else teach your children the heritage that you have almost forgotten yourself. Then rest easy knowing that you made sure that there is someone that will never forget where we came from and where they are going.

Love who and what you are always.

Sunday 11 November 2012

Amazing words of love

Amazing words of love

There are few truths in life and for some love is one of those that will evade them for a lifetime.

We all are surrounded by so many emotions, feelings and truths that we sometimes get so mixed up that we do not know our up’s from our downs anymore. That is where it all starts when we no longer are able to distinguish between the truth and the fabricated space of expected feelings and the true depiction of it.

That is when our words distinguish where we are on an emotional plain, regardless of how eloquent you are. The truest words that are spoken of love, desire, passion and hope are spoken to the heart of those that deserve to hear the truth wrapped in a suitable fashion from the speaker of whom the words flow. It does not matter what your background, circumstances or ethnicity is we all have our own words which inspire us to live more and love more ultimately making us become true guardians of the spoken word.

It is at times when hello is the only word you want to hear from the one you loved and have lost so many years ago. The pain never subsides you just learn how to deal with it daily and struggle as you cling to so many words spoken between you in so many exchanges before. It hurts when you take away the sweet memories of times where you sat in blissful silence and you never cared to say I love you and you mean the world to me. It takes a lot in order to tell someone that you truly love them and when you finally realize that you do please don’t waste time on the trivial things like you do not want to be the first to say the words.

We are not guaranteed a tomorrow and the words you do not wish to say today might not be possible to say tomorrow to the one whom you truly love. They say Carpe Diem is a statement for those who do not believe in planning and seizing every opportunity that comes along, it seems that it is only those who do nothing that have the time to explain the actions of the people that get things done.  Seize the moment and seize the day are more than just some words in a song or a poster that you saw somewhere, it is what someone did to get where they are today and they haven’t looked back since they did. So why are you?

Say what you need to say and love as much as you want to because you are only promised today and never guaranteed a tomorrow. Live without regrets and if you have any make sure you have none before you walk out the door today in a world where you never know if an unkind word to a stranger might just be your last. Live, Love & Laugh.

Wednesday 3 October 2012



We all undergo small and even epic changes on a daily basis and it all boils down to how we react to it. If you take into consideration how people meet and drift apart each and every day totally oblivious as to how each day will turn out for each of the.

The decisions you make after a change defines your character and the lack\depth of it. A change in a route that you take to work can be the most effective thing you do and also alter how the rest of your day at work goes depending whether it helped you come early or aided you in being even later than before. If one day you decide to ask the guy selling all sorts of random goods at the robot if he is okay and giving him a smile could change his day immensely without making much of an impact on you.  
It’s time we realize it is the small changes we make to who we are and what we do that affects those around us more than we will ever know and can comprehend. The ripples of your behaviour span greater than a word and a sentence can ever carry to others and to b negative can put the person that could have made you positive about something make you not want to share their happiness with you. It’s time we look at the good and reciprocate and stop complaining about every last thing when you have reason to be grateful for just about anything and everything you do actually have in your life.

It’s time to take your child’s hands that you complain is spending too much time in front of the TV and let them see what the park looks like and enjoy time with their parents which they probably don’t get to experience because you are always too busy. It’s time to take a drive and just enjoy your surroundings instead of worrying how much fuel you will spend enjoying Mother Nature’s awesome wonders. Challenge yourself into being different and to think differently and let it be more than words but let it translate from thoughts into actions and let it freely become your habits. Revamp your soul and in the process revitalize your heart and mind as well because you deserve a change and a new you!
Stop sweating the little things because once you realize they are “little things” they matter less and you can really focus on what’s important as well as whom. Make a list and if you already live off lists live without one for a day if you do and ask yourself what it is that you really want to do and go for it because you only have to lose your dreams if you don’t.
Dream a little and live a lot more but never stop when change comes along it is there to help you be a better you.

Monday 6 August 2012



I am not normally one to tackle any type of political issue but I just think that the word “Revolution” is too easily used in order to make certain people’s issues seem closely connected to the people they so readily neglect.

The word revolution means: It is a fundamental change in power or organizational structures that takes place in a relatively short period of time. These words carry power and they also bear consequence to all of those affected by it and the promise it holds to the people that yearn for it on a daily basis. The sad truth is that certain people use the idea of revolution similarly to teasing a young child with a piece of candy just to get them to do what you want and then only for them to discover that the candy is the one flavour they hate.
If these individuals were sitting in the seats and the situations of the people who they make these bold claims and promises to you can bet they will be singing a different tune altogether. It is easy to make a promise when you have no intention of ever keeping it. A real leader and someone that wants change will never make a promise but will rather vow to make a change but ensuring that it is possible as they are aware that false hope can crush many a spirit of the hopeful.
I say why wait for a revolution when one is brewing in your heart and in your mind, change of epic proportions is always required for any improvement of one’s own situation. Strive to revolutionize your thoughts and actions and plan to get ahead. Even though people often say even the best laid plans are sometimes not good enough, point is if you know the path you are supposed to walk you will know when you start getting lost sooner.
The only revolution that should be promised is that of one’s self and of one’s own spirit because only the people can be responsible for their own liberation. Just imagine yourself a one-man liberation where he will try and storm the gates of a government building and bruise his ego more than he would an oppressive or inadequate regime. He would be called mad and a blithering fool for wanting to effect change on his own with no passionate believers in his cause but himself.
You carry the key to your own revolution and not the promises of others that want to throw the word around for some sort of meaningful effect to their empty promises. Let’s face it a ruling party cannot claim a revolution because they already have the power and fundamentally a revolution aims for a change in power and this cannot be achieved just by words.
Revolutionize you, revolutionize your world and realize that you are the revolution you have been looking for.

Tuesday 31 July 2012

What drives you?

What drives you?

It’s funny how we live from day to day making so much long term plans but never really looking at what we have to do right now to maintain the pace to get to those goals. We want to be successful but not willing to make sacrifices to be the best and maintain that title.

No worthwhile cause has ever had an easy path otherwise the word “martyr” would not exist at all. There are a myriad of those in our illustrious history of mankind Mahatma Ghandi, Martin Luther, King Jr. and our very own Nelson Mandela. The common factor between these great figures is not that they had to suffer endless ridicule, torment, threats and saboteurs in their own trusted circles at times. It is in fact the nagging thought that they can just give up and things will be much better for them.
Within all of us we have this same battle that rages on, one part wants so much more than we have at that particular point in our life and is willing to walk the mile to get to it and the other will be content with whatever little it gets each time. It is only our own determination and grit that gives us that little extra to turn ordinary to extraordinary instantly. The same ability that gives a mother superhuman strength to save her child from an impending painful situation or the guts an athlete displays to go that little bit faster and push that much harder to obtain that which was said to be impossible before.
We all have these same traits yet some of us are not willing to tap in to this desire for success too afraid to want more and do more, thinking that society doesn’t appreciate people with desire.
Society has long adorned those with this level of desire with praises and admiration knowing that the few ones that strive for more and gain more are willing to do whatever it takes to follow their dreams.  One phrase that opitimizes what I am talking about was said by Sir Richard Branson:“You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over.”
Once you have fallen you gain new perspective and the path downward you will see where you need to go to get back on top or move further than you have ever been before. Adversity will be your hurdle that you can sail over and find out what your spirit is truly made of in order to gain that which you want the most.
Start today and dare to dream and dream in order to dare more. Once you stop dreaming you have stopped living and living is something that needs to be done daily. Consider yourself a champion as you have survived long enough to enjoy a healthy mind and healthy body (in some cases).
Never settle because you cannot gain ground when standing still.