Monday, 13 February 2012

Perils of a beautiful mind

It was once believed that not all people possess the mental capacity to do something extraordinary. I fear that it is this particular statement which was not made by the common man but rather the intellectuals that believe a study of 10 people will represent the views of millions. So too do we misrepresent others when we judge them without the facts, do we then not open ourselves up to ridicule of others by being so narrow minded in our approach as well?
Some things do require a bit of consideration before one utters your opinions loudly to the world. Take for instance the looks and remarks people pass when they walk past others on the street not knowing their circumstances but readily judging them on their own. What would it take for you to be considerate and think for just a second what could cause another human being to end up in such an undesirable situation.
One bad decision in your work\social circumstances could also possibly have you end up on the other side of the judgement which you are freely handing out to others like a lucky packet to a child. Consideration won’t cost you a cent but it will gain you a more understanding spirit to which people will feel more comfortable in asking for your advice or even just a shoulder to lean on.
It’s time we realize that the world does not just revolve around our own personal needs and wants but rather on a collective realization that we are a global community and we should treat each other as brothers and sisters sharing the same life space.
At times we just need to take a look back and realize that someone has seen exactly the way forward and has given you a kind word or their support without wanting anything in return, but simply to see you be in a better space as a person.
We find it easy to be negative towards each other but it was never in our nature when we are born, because as a child all you could see was the beauty and the simplicity in life and we lost that ability somewhere in between trying to make the world love us more. Just note this that when you are a child it is this innocence and positivity which made people see you as such a beautiful individual. Positivity at that age made the world love you more so why do we expect the world to love us the same when we have become negative.
Shift your mindset and you will shift your universe not the other way round because although you change your house you will still be the same person in a different house that’s all.
Don’t be afraid to live, laugh and love more because you will lose nothing but gain so much.